1985 - 1991
1989 - 1991
1991 - 2003
since 1989
since 1994
since 1999
since 2002
born in Munich
studies of history of art and art education at the LMUniversity in Munich
city painter of Starnberg, 1. Art Award
lecturer at the LMUniversity of Munich for painting, graphic arts and puppet theatre
courses and workshops i.e. for the 'Haus der Kunst' in Munich and the
'Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung'
training events for executives in business
community work in 'art and construction'
courses and management of the 'Schule der Fantasie' in Gauting
art work and art educational concepts for the 'Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte'
Günther Klinge Award
illustrations for books, publications, cover design and posters
illustrations for the 'Bayerische Staatszeitung'
nomination for the 'Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis with Susanna Partsch
(The German Children’s Literature Award)
Pasinger Art Award
Rosemarie Zacher lives and works in Gauting.
since 1991
Goethe-Institut, Munich / Galerie Ceus, Berlin / Landratsamt Starnberg
Schloss Blutenburg, Munich / Galerie Behringer, Gauting and Munich
Galerie Risse, Wessling / Galerie Salzgeber, Memmingen / Rathaus Gauting
Galerie der Kreissparkasse Starnberg / Baasel Lasertechnik, Starnberg
Salzstadel, Landshut / Galerie Priller, Passau / Monacensia, Munich
National Museum of Fine Arts, Malta
Hürbener Wasserschloss, Krumbach
Bayerische Vertretung, Berlin (in colaboration with U. Kielas)
Altes E-Werk, Bamberg
Sonderschau Bayern, Messe Heim+Handwerk, Munich
Stadtmuseum Neuötting (in colaboration with W. Müller-Jakob)
Kanzlei Görg, Munich
Divo-Care, Munich
Rathaus Pasing
Internationaler Presseclub, Munich
Kloster Seeon, Chiemsee
since 1991
Haus der Kunst, Munich / Aspekte Galerie im Gasteig, Munich
Stadtmuseum Amberg / Galerie Seidlstraße, Murnau
Paul-Weber-Museum, Ratzeburg / Landkreis Starnberg
Regierung von Oberbayern i.e.
© rosemarie zacher 2020